Creating your first Buzz space

This how to guide will walk you through the necessary steps to create your first digital community with Buzz.

Want to create a digital community that nurtures your warmest leads to enrolment and beyond? Read on to find out how to create your first Buzz space on The Ambassador Platform!

1. Who are your Buzz Members going to be?

The first thing to consider when getting started is who your audience is going to be. Will you be inviting all your international offer holders to the Buzz space, or do you want to create a community that serves Postgraduate students only? Perhaps you want to use Buzz to forge stronger relationships between current students and create a peer mentoring programme? Make sure you know who your Buzz Members (Buzz Members = the prospective students being invited to the Buzz space) will be, as this will direct what types of Community Groups and Media you will display in the community, and which Ambassadors should be invited to moderate the conversations. 

2. Create your Community Groups

Buzz allows you to facilitate group conversations as well as 121 chats between your Buzz Members and Ambassadors. Head into the admin dashboard and click on the 'Buzz' icon in the left hand menu to get your first Community Groups set up!

The Community Groups will be the first thing a student sees when they join the Buzz space, so it's important that you're covering topics that matter most to your audience.

Consider having a mix of Community Groups within Buzz to stimulate conversation on topics such as courses, student life, accommodation, and the cost of living. Make it easy for your prospects to "find their people" within your digital community. 

2. Invite Buzz Ambassadors

Invite Ambassadors to join your group conversations in just a few clicks...

Once you've created a Community Group, click on the hamburger menu in the top right corner, and then select 'Manage Ambassadors'. Remember that if you wish to have certain  Ambassadors activated to support with Buzz chats only (i.e. you don't want them displaying on your TAP Feed), you can switch them on for 'Chat' only in the Ambassador List section of the dashboard.

3. Whitelist your Buzz Members

Now it's time to whitelist your Buzz Members. Only prospective students that have been added to your Members list will be able to click on the Buzz invite link that you share with them and gain access to your digital community.

You don't need to whitelist Ambassadors in your Members list, as they will have already been invited to join on their app (if you've completed Step 2)! You should also avoid adding Admin's email addresses to your spreadsheet - admins will be able to oversee all conversations happening in Buzz via the admin dashboard. 

Please note if you don't want to add this level of safeguarding, there is the option to disable prospect whitelisting. Please speak to your Dedicated Customer Success Manager or email if you'd like to bypass this step and "auto whitelist" anyone that tries to sign up to join your community. 

4. Promote Buzz to your Members 

Your Buzz Members can now be invited to join the community. You will find a link to your community saved under Buzz > Start Guide. It will look something like this...

You can email this link to your students. To get them excited to join Buzz, share a screenshot or overview of some of the topics covered in your community group chats. You could also introduce the ambassadors that will be monitoring the Buzz chats by sharing their bios in your email invite. It's also important to state the unique opportunity your Members will have to interact not only with current students but with fellow applicants by joining your digital community.

Please note that if you promote your Buzz space before completing Step 3 and whitelisting your Members, the students that attempt to join your community will receive an error message when trying to login and won't be able to gain access. 

5. Track the Engagement 

You can track your Buzz stats and keep tabs on how many invited Members join your Buzz space over time. It's really easy to see at a glance just how active your digital community is from your launch date onwards. 

buzz reporting

As with all reporting on The Ambassador Platform, you can filter the results for any time period by selecting exact dates in the top right corner. 

6. Keep your Buzz space buzzing! 

Making sure that your prospective students are continuously active and coming back to the community space time and time again is the secret to your ongoing success with this feature. Read our top tips on how to keep Buzz buzzing!

If you have any questions about how to create your first Buzz space or need any further guidance with this feature, please don't hesitate in contacting your Dedicated Customer Success Manager or reach out to us at