A brief overview of The Ambassador Platform for ambassadors.
What is The Ambassador Platform and why does it exist?
The Ambassador Platform's mission is to enable institutions to build awareness, confidence and a sense of belonging with prospects anywhere in the world. We do this by enabling ambassadors and staff to represent their institution online, through chat conversations and content like social media posts and FAQs.
By sharing your anecdotes, thoughts and experiences through The Ambassador Platform, you'll be able to help hundreds if not thousands of people make a more informed and confident decision about their higher education options.
What do you need to do?
You'll be invited to download our app and enter a code unique for your institution. Your admin(s) can then 'activate' you for different type of activities.
If you are activated for the Chat feature, your profile will display on your institutional website and prospects can start 1-2-1 chat conversations with you.

If you are activated for the Content feature only, your profile will not display on the website but you will be able to collaborate and create social media posts and vlogs with your marketing team.
If you're activated for the FAQ feature, you'll be able to create written answers to common prospective questions.
You can be activated for one or all activities in the service and every activity is tracked in terms of the amount of time you're giving to creating this content and/or having these conversations.
What's in the app?
A feed of activity from the rest of the team at your institution.
A leaderboard page so you can see where you rank compared to your fellow ambassadors on a monthly basis.
A Career Reference page which automatically builds and improves the more you use the service. (Relevant for student ambassadors).
Finally, a messaging service where you'll receive messages from prospects (if you're activated for chat) and messages from admins in order to collaborate on content creation.
Simply look out for notifications indicating new messages and respond as soon as is convenient, hopefully within 24 hours.
What's in it for me?
Being an ambassador on TAP is super easy and flexible. You can respond to messages, post content and answer FAQs directly from your phone wherever you are; there are no ‘set hours’ or time sheets to fill in as your time is recorded automatically.
All of your activities through the app are recorded. If you get paid for your work as an ambassador, your work on The Ambassador Platform should be no different and your time input is recorded.
If you're a student ambassador, you'll hopefully be pleased to hear that you'll also earn Career Points for all of your activities, contributing to a personalized Career Reference. This improves as you complete more activities on the platform. Simply download the reference and use it on your resume and LinkedIn profile.
Where does my content get displayed and who sees it?
Your profile, social media posts and FAQ answers will be reviewed by your institution and published to their 'Feed' which is a searchable widget on their website.
Prospects can search and see all of this content which will be displayed against you and your profile. If you are enabled for 'Chat', prospects can then send you a chat message to start a conversation.

All of the content you submit through the The Ambassador Platform - photos, videos, text for FAQ answers - is automatically owned by the institution you represent as part of the standard terms you accept when using the mobile app.