Sharing presentation slides on a Live Stream

When running a Stream event, my presentation gets stuck on the first slide. Why is this happening?

This happens when you share only the PowerPoint window, because the video conferencing software is capturing just that single application window. However, PowerPoint in Presenter Mode (Full-Screen Slide Show) often creates a separate display or window for the slideshow, which the conferencing software might not recognize as part of the initially shared window.

We have 3 solutions to this:

1. Share the Slideshow Window Instead

  • Instead of sharing the PowerPoint editing window, start the slideshow first.
  • Then, go to the video call sharing settings and select the new Slideshow window.

2. Use "Browsed by an Individual (Windowed)" Mode if you're sharing on Microsoft PowerPoint

To keep PowerPoint in a single window:

  1. Open PowerPoint.
  2. Go to Slide Show > Set Up Slide Show.
  3. Under Show type, select "Browsed by an individual (window)".
  4. Start the slideshow—now, it will remain in a single resizable window that your meeting software can track.

3. Share Your Entire Screen (As a Last Resort)

  • If neither of the above works, share your entire screen while ensuring sensitive content is minimized.

If you have any questions about this, please contact for further assistance.