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Release notes November 2023

Platform Updates

Ambassador's Career Reference Download

Now, admins can easily download the Ambassador's Career reference directly from the Admin Dashboard. To access this feature, navigate to the Ambassadors list, open the Ambassador profile, and find the convenient download button.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 14.04.04 (1)Promotion Tools for Iframeless TAP Feeds
Promotion tools, including pop cards, carousels, buttons, and tracked links, are now available for iframeless TAP Feeds. This empowers both individual and group accounts that do not have the TAP Feed embedded on their websites to leverage these promotional features seamlessly.

Ambassador Type in CSV Export
The ambassador type is now included in the CSV export for the 'Time' and 'Ambassador' report, offering users the ability to filter information by type (i.e. EU, International, Domestic) more efficiently. No more manual sorting—just export the data and filter by ambassador type effortlessly.


Pop-card Customisation
Customising pop cards with longer titles (16-20 symbols) is now possible. The font size dynamically adjusts to accommodate the longer text. All you need to do is add your preferred pop card button title under the 'Customise your pop card button text' section.  In mobile view, if the title exceeds 10 symbols, it defaults to "Chat now" to ensure a seamless user experience.


Ambassador App

Ambassador Feedback Enhancement
Ambassadors can now easily provide feedback for their conversations with prospects through the new Feedback button directly within the list of conversations in the mobile app. This feedback plays a crucial role in influencing the prospect heatscore, a metric accessible in the 'Prospect' report on the Admin Dashboard, thus helping admins easily spot those students who are highly engaged with their institution.  


Live Stream


Updated Chat for Live Stream External Speakers
External speakers for Live Streams can now continue to access the Stream chat even after the Live Stream has concluded. Simply use the same link used to join the Stream to keep engaging with the audience through text. 

Speaker Lobby
All speakers now join the lobby first, where they can interact with each other via video or test screen-sharing before starting a stream. This ensures a smooth setup process for the speakers.

Viewer Engagement Insights
Administrators can now view which prospects actually watched the Live Stream or recording. This valuable insight provides a better understanding of viewer engagement.

Enhanced Recording Control
Admins now have greater control over the video recordings that are sent out after a Live Stream and can send out edited versions of a Stream to prospects. This allows for a more tailored and impactful viewer experience.

We hope you enjoy these updates, and as always, we welcome your feedback to continue improving our platform!