The sign-up flow consists of collecting a certain amount of data from prospects to set them up on The Ambassador Platform.
Most prospects are acquainted with the user experience of the platform's sign-up flow, due to its wide adoption in both real life and digital businesses. This makes prospects likely to complete the process without too much difficulty.
When prospects click on 'Chat to me' to start a conversation with ambassadors, they are prompted to create their account.
Step 1:
They can either input their details (name, last name and email address) or use a social network service to sign into the platform.

Step 2:
Prospects will input their nationality (mandatory) as well as any answers to optional data questions of your choice (if applicable). They will be asked to agree to your institution and TAP's privacy policy as well.

Once they've signed up, they will automatically be logged in each time they check out the Feed, and they also receive an email (or an SMS) notification every time ambassadors send them a message.
Read more about how The Ambassador Platform works for prospects here. If you have any thoughts or questions about our data collection, please get in touch.