This article outlines how the TAP Feed works, from the perspective of a prospect.
You may be thinking of ways to promote this new opportunity to connect your prospects with your ambassadors, and let them share their experiences. As part of this promotion, you might want to consider describing to your prospects how exactly they can learn more about your institution through your TAP Feed.
The walk-through below is written for an audience of prospects.
Our "Chat to [Ambassadors]" Page*
Through this page on our website, we want to provide you with an authentic insight into what life at our institution is really like. You'll be free to browse though profiles of ambassadors and start a chat with them, check out content they've produced showing you more of the campus, city, and what they're up to with their friends, as well as reading through any written answers they've provided to some frequently asked questions (FAQs). You may even see the opportunity to engage in a Group Chat, whereby there will be many Ambassadors and many other prospects** just like you, chatting about a specific topic.
Feel free to either scroll down through the page, or select which section you're interested in, from the header at the top:

*feel free to change to reflect the title of your own TAP Feed
**change "prospects" to be whichever target audience you're connecting with, e.g. "students"
From their profiles alone, you'll learn more about what they study or what line of work they're now in, where they're from, what they enjoy doing in their spare time and just a general introduction to who they are. You can speak to one, or many, of our ambassadors and ask them any questions you might have around student/campus life, or what a particular course is like for example. Our ambassadors are there to help you, and are more than happy to chat with you!

If you click on a profile card, you'll see an expanded view of the ambassador's profile, alongside all the content and FAQ answers they've shared.
To start a chat, click on the 'Chat to me' button and then sign up using the super easy form, or simply sign up using Facebook or Google. Once you sign up on the page, it will keep you logged in so don't worry - even if you want to engage in group chats (see below).
Group Chats
Group chats are a fantastic way for you to connect with not only ambassadors at the institution, but also other prospects like yourself! Institutions may choose to only have group chats live for limited periods of time, for example in line with an event they're running, or may sometimes have group chats that are permanently on. If you spot one (or more) on the page, they will look something like this:

If you click on 'Join the conversation' you'll be able to see what's already gone on in the group chat, and if you have anything you'd like to add or ask, please do! All you need to do is click on the 'Get started' button and sign up (if you haven't already).
Are you wondering what the campus itself looks like? What the city is like and what there is to do for fun? Our Ambassadors have produced lots of content, photos and videos, to show you all these things and more!

Click on an image/video to make it bigger, and give it a like to let the ambassador know you like their content! You're also welcome to share the link with any peers of yours who you know may also be considering coming here. And don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to ask the ambassador, just click on the 'Ask me a question' button!
These FAQs have been put together by the team as they are often asked a lot by prospects like yourself, and we want to make sure we're doing everything we can to answer your questions, and provide different perspectives on them.

If you spot an answer from someone you'd like to ask more from, click on the 'Ask me a question' button next to their answer and get chatting!