How can I get in touch with prospective students?

This article is for student ambassadors who want to understand more about how prospective students will find their profile and start conversations with them.

As a student ambassador, you may find yourself doing one or more of these activities on The Ambassador Platform (TAP):
  • Creating great content about your experience as a student at your institution and in the city/country it's based in 
  • Having conversations with prospective students either on a one-to-one level, with other ambassadors (or staff) involved, or through group chats with multiple prospective students and multiple ambassadors, discussing a specific theme 
  • Answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) submitted by your admin(s), based on questions they see come through from prospective students a lot of the time, that they feel is worth being answered by actual students 
  • Being involved in a stream (an online event), whether as a speaker on the screen itself or helping manage the live chat that accompanies the online stream 

As ambassadors, what you don't need to do or worry about is getting prospective students to start conversations with you. They will find the page that contains your profile and content through a number of means that your admins will control. These may be through one or more of the following activities:

  • Clearly signposting on the website through pop ups 
  • Sending emails to prospective students about the opportunity to connect with student ambassadors 
  • Sharing your content on social media and sharing a link back to your profile 
  • Promoting your profile during events (whether online or in-person) as a way for that student to stay engaged with the institution
  • The list goes on!

One thing that you can do, if you are part of a group chat, is reach out to prospective students in there that you think may need a little extra support away from the group, or, you want to have a more specific conversation just with them based on something they've mentioned in the group chat. You don't have to do this with everyone. Some advice:

  • Have they said something that you're really well suited to answer and go into a lot of detail about, but it may not be of use for everyone in the group? 
  • Has their question made you think of some other topics that you think they may be interested in finding out more about? 

In order to do this, click on the letter icon for that prospective student and then click on the 'Chat' link. See the video below for an example: