Gaining soft skills through work experience is vital for your students. Why not implement the AHEGS into your ambassador programs and provide opportunities for your students to gain work experience at your university!
I understand that some of the Australian institutes do not participate in this scheme. But if you are participating, you might want to consider using it to provide your students with work placements. Your students will work as interns and gain experience working as student ambassadors. They will also gain a career reference letter through the TAP app at the end of their program! These interns can be supervised by your student ambassadors and get feedback from other students. Their work experience as interns will be counted towards their Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) program.
Please refer to the further information on the AHEGS on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.
If you wish to know further information on the auto-generated career reference letter, please read this article!
* Example of career reference letter (on TAP app)